The Department of Marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Business of TSATU was established in 2002 and is headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor N.V. Kukina. The faculty of the department includes D.Sc., Professor D.G. Legeza; Ph.D., Associate Professors T.V. Arestenko, T.V. Kulish, N.O. Shkvirya, Y.S. Sokil, and Senior Lecturer P.G. Bincheva. The technical equipment of the department is overseen by laboratory assistant I.V. Kalchenko.

  A marketer is one of the most promising professions, in high demand on the job market, prestigious, and well-paying. Marketers know how to create brands, conduct successful advertising campaigns, improve products, and effectively communicate their essence and benefits to consumers. Therefore, a marketer is a key figure in the battlefield of the market, both strategically and tactically.
Marketing professionals work in manufacturing, trade, consulting firms, advertising and marketing agencies, non-profit organizations, and service companies.

  The educational programs for this specialty fully align with the requirements of employers and are enriched with contemporary subjects. The research themes closely relate to the state R&D programs and are carried out based on the assignments of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. The academic staff at the department conducts scientific work within the framework of the program “Development of scientific-theoretical and methodological foundations for competitive agro-industrial production and sustainable development of rural areas on an innovative basis.

  The department’s areas of scientific interest include:
1. Organizational, economic, and legal foundations of the establishment and operation of agricultural service cooperatives.
2. Creation and functioning of advisory services for various organizational and legal forms.
3. Development of strategies for socio-economic development at the district and regional levels.
4. Advancement of the agricultural market.
5. Enhancing the competitiveness of agricultural products and enterprises in the region.
6. Organizational and economic principles for the formation and operation of the agricultural market.
The department actively promotes the achievements of science, technology, and advanced experiences through various means such as conferences, seminars, and publishing activities.

  Every year, the department hosts one international and two interregional scientific and practical conferences for researchers, master’s students, and students. The results of these conferences are published in a collection of abstracts.