The department was founded in 1932. The head of the department is Doctor of Technology, Professor Anatolii Panchenko, who has led the department since 1999.

The Department of Mechatronic Systems of Tractors and Agricultural Machines is one of the basic departments of the Mechanics and Technology Faculty training agricultural engineers. The department employs two Doctors of Technology, two professors, assistant professors.

They are qualified teachers having extensive work experience. To ensure the qualification requirements for the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education, the following academic disciplines are studied: Tractors and cars,  Agricultural machines, Agricultural land reclamation, Agricultural and land reclamation machines, Hydraulic drive of mechatronic systems, Hydraulic, pneumatic and electric drive, Transport process in the agroindustrial complex. The department also provides training of drivers (category «B»).

The scientific and pedagogical staff systematically update electronic educational disciplines using the online learning platform Educational portal of TSATU, develop manuals, reference material, lecture courses, electronic textbooks.

Over the years, much scientific research has been done by the staff of the department. Science research is carried out in the laboratory of hydraulic machines and mechatronic drives systems of modern self-propelling equipment. Scientific activity of the department is connected with the topics of the state budget  Improvement and development of scientific bases for increasing the operational efficiency of mechatronic hydraulic drives systems of modern self-propelled equipment (State registration number: 0121U109974. The Head of the department manages the scientific and technical working (experimental and development operations). The development of a unified range of high-torque planetary hydromotors with a capacity of 22 kW (working volume of 160…630 cm3) is carried out at the expense of the general fund of the state budget (state registration number 0122U000958). Justification of the parameters of the working machine elements for growing fruit seedlings on the strip seedbed, developing software and hardware complex for controlling the technical parameters of the irrigation system and the physiological parameters of fruit trees, sustainable production developing of seedling and gardening in the conditions of climate change in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine is the main area of the department`s work.

The members of the department published more than 300 scientific works in the national specialist and foreign journals indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science bases. The scientific and pedagogical workers of the department are members of the Association of Industrial Hydraulics and Pneumatics Specialists. The Department of Mechatronic Systems of Tractors and Agricultural Machines has agreements about scientific and technical cooperation for developing active working hydraulic drives, the systems of running gear and hydraulic machinery with (PJSC) Yampilskyi instrument engineering facility (Ukraine) and (PJSC) Hidroinpex (Moldova).