to  the report theses template of the

international scientific and practical conference


(theses collection,  TDATU publishing house)


  1. Theses: submit in the Ukrainian, English or Russian languages.
  2. Text editor: Microsoft Word, format – “.rtf”, “.doc” or “.docx”.
  3. Theses volume – 2-3 pages,  don’t add any page numbers.
  4. Page layout:all margins – 20 mm, sheet format – A4, portrait orientation
  5. Line interval– 1.
  6. Theses title :
  • UDC 14- point Times New Roman, font, left justification
  • Thesis title 14 -point Times New Roman, in bold, capitalised letters, centred across the page, should be set to 1 line spacing
  • Authors’ last name and initials, academic title, name of the organization, city/town, country should be typed in 1 line, in 14-point Times New Roman, left-justification

Summery is typed in English, indented 12,5mm from the left page margin, it should be typed no more than 3 lines, in one line after the author’s affiliations, in italic 12-point Times New Roman, justified.

  1. Keywords are typed in English, indented 12,5mm from the left page margin immediately following the summery, they should be typed in italic 12- point Times New Roman, justified, no more than 4 lines.
  2. The text of your thesis should be formatted as follows: in 1 line after the keywords, is typed indented 12,5mm from the left page margin, 14-point Times New Roman, justified.
  3. Structure:
  • problem statement
  • statement of the main research materials
  • conclusions
  • reference list
  1. Formulas should be typed by the Microsoft Word formula editor. Formulas should be centred.
  2. Pictures pasted in the appropriate place in the text, in 12-point Times New Roman. Captions should be centred (Pic.1. Diagram…). They have to be accurate and contrast, grouped as one whole object.
  3. Tables (max.1) pasted in the appropriate place in the text, in italics 12-point Times New Roman, numbers should be typed above the tables (Table 1), right- justification under which to set the title of the table, bold, center justification
  4. Tables and pictures should be no more than 1/3 of the whole text
  5. Equations should be typed by the Microsoft Equation editor
  6. Words and word phrases Summary, Keywords, problem statement, statement of the main research materials, conclusions, references should be typed in bold, italics Times New Roman
  7. References: 1-3 references, standard format
  8. The materials which aren’t conforming to the specified requirements aren’t accepted.


Thesis formatting example