kjurchev-s.vThe staff of the Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University sincerely congratulates the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical and Technological Engineering, professor Sergiy V. Kyurchev with a Doctor of Science degree.

Doctoral dissertation was held on July 5, specialty 05.05.11 «Machines and tools for agricultural mechanization», at the National Science Center «Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture» of NAAS of Ukraine, and on December 16, the certification committee awarded the Doctor of Science degree.

The award ceremony was held at a meeting of the Academic Council on December 26.

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your degree!

We wish you every effort to conquer new peaks and bring scientific ideas to life. We wish you good health, personal happiness, harmony, and great mood, family comfort and family well-being.

May you always be accompanied by good fortune, constantly warmed by the warmth of human gratitude, and weekdays and holidays be filled with joy, light and love of loved ones.

Rectorate, trade union committee of TSATU