Regulations on the curators of the student group


In order to provide continuous guidance to the educational process, each curriculum is assigned to each student group. To encourage students to actively counteract the manifestations of immorality, offense, lack of spirituality, anti-social activities – a business that requires serious training and hard work for all those involved in education and upbringing. To realize this, new approaches, forms of organization of the strengthening of educational work, revival of its role as the main direction of the University, scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, and the student community should be defined. Activation of the educational process at the university requires the commissioning of both new forms of influence on the student and activation of the oldest most effective forms of educational process, the development of new methods and the style of education. The educational process should be carried out under the most active cooperation of the teacher-mentor and the student.


  1. Coordinators of academic groups are appointed by the order of the rector on the university (the order of the dean’s office) from among the experienced teachers recommended by the heads of departments. The curator is assigned to an academic group, as a rule, for the entire period of studying students at the university, which allows him to deeply study each student, to achieve succession in the educational work of each course.
  2. The work of the curator of the academic group has the goal of forming a sense of patriotism, forcing love into the profession of future specialist.
  3. The educational work among the students is conducted by the curator in accordance with the plan of conducting educational hours in the recruiting group, taking into account the educational work plan of the department for the semester approved at the meeting of the department.
  4. The curriculum of the educational work of the curator is based on the comprehensive plan of educational work of the university, as well as in accordance with the plan of educational work of the faculty.
  5. Zav. The department, together with the responsible employees of the dean’s office, systematically supervises the work of curators, attends classes and other events, studies and introduces the best experience.
  6. At the session of the department hear reports of curators about the measures taken, the effectiveness of educational work, its impact on the level of academic and scientific work of students, their labor discipline.


1.Regularly, once a week, meet with the group, implement the planned activities in the “educational hours” according to the work plan (the department, faculty, academic level).

  1. To conduct educational work on the main directions (patriotic, moral, legal, labor, artistic and aesthetic, physical, ecological, family-related education), to form the student’s world outlook as a harmoniously developed, highly educated, socially active and nationally conscious person.
  2. To encourage students to actively counteract the manifestations of immorality, offense, impotence, and anti-social activities.

4.To facilitate the formation of a student team, which fights for high success and excellent behavior, in this work the curator relies on the student asset group – the headmaster, members of student councils, the proforge.

  1. To direct the work of the actives and each student so that the group is dominated by the creative atmosphere, friendship and mutual assistance which would contribute to the full development of the student’s abilities.

6.Systematically interested in the life of the group, to be a senior friend and friend for each student, to know each student: his successes in teaching, scientific work, character, predisposition, plans for the future, material situation, but not to transform the work of the mentor into shallow guardianship and not to interfere student initiative.

  1. Regularly (no less than once on a Sunday) to meet with a group, an asset group, to help the group’s assets in carrying out the planned activities.
  2. Systematically interested in current progress, together with the activists of the group to critically discuss the results of the progress, reveal the disadvantages of learning and help them to eliminate them.
  3. Demonstrate the ability of students to research and help them organize.
  4. Regular visits to students living in a dormitory, to study living and living conditions of students living in private apartments, to conduct educational work with them.
  5. Systematically conduct individual work with students who need special attention.

12.Enrich students’ sense of responsibility to work after graduation from the university for distribution.

  1. The curator participates in the work of the scholarship commission and the commission on the distribution of young specialists to work.



In accordance with the “Recommendations to curators for the organization of educational work in student groups” acting at the University, the “Regulations on the Council of Curators of Academic Groups of TDATU”, the control and evaluation of the work of curriculum teachers is analyzed, the state of the educational process in the university.

The results of the work of curriculum curricula of academic groups are collected twice a year by faculty (within one week after the end of each semester) and once a year by the university (at the end of the academic year). All necessary documents for objective analysis of the work of curriculum teachers in the faculties are being prepared

Commission under the direction of deputy dean of the faculty of educational work. Candidates of the best teacher-curators offer departments.

At the end of the school year, the rector’s order determines the best tutors-curators. The draft order is prepared by the Council of Teachers-Curators.


The main features of the work of a teacher-curator should be purposefulness, principledness, high culture, equity to themselves and students, responsiveness to the demands and thoughts of students, a high sense of civic responsibility for the education of future professionals. The necessity of the curators should be combined with carefulness, ability to see and respect each student’s personality with the attendant individual qualities.

The assessment of the effectiveness of the educational work of the curator is based on a cumulative analysis of academic and public indicators of the academic group, the performance of the curator of his duties, as well as taking into account his activity in the decision of educational and educational issues.

The report of the teacher-curator is controlled by:

– The quality of conducting the journal of the teacher-curator,

– content of the educational work plan (its differentiation taking into account the individual qualities of students, the variety of forms of work and activities, reflection of the directions of the educational process, the conformity of the measures to the realities of the present),

– implementation of the educational work plan (regularity of educational hours, student turnout, compliance with the planned activities, discussion of the issues of study and life of the students of the group).

In addition, when evaluating the work of each teacher is taken into account:

– concrete individual work with students, communication with parents, school (enterprise),

– work in a hostel,

– Measures aimed at improving the educational process and discipline,

– work to ensure the implementation of the curriculum, increase the success and reduce the number of missed classes,

measures to increase the activity of students: participation in the SRD, cultural tours, excursions, amateur performances, festive demonstrations, works on the improvement of the premises of the university, etc.).


For active work in the academic group, the high performance of the group in teaching and social work, the best lecturers, curators of the university are encouraged:

– thanks,

– coverage of positive experience in the media,

– putting on the board “Best by profession”.
