Guidelines for higher education institutions in support of the principles of academic integrity

TSATU Honor Code

Comprehensive plan of educational work 2017-18 

Comprehensive plan of educational work 2018-19

Comprehensive plan of educational work 2019-20

Organizational materials of the group curator

Contest Regulations The best curator of the TSATU Academic Group

Methods of rating the activity of curators

About the educational work and the main directions of activity of the curators of academic groups

Regional target program of national-patriotic education of youth for 2017-2021

Program of development and functioning of the Ukrainian language in the TSATU for 2016-2021

Educational work in higher education institutions

Presidential Decree on the Strategy of National and Patriotic Education of Children and Youth for 2016-2020

Concept of national patriotic education of children and youth

Measures to implement the concept of national patriotic education of children and youth

Guidelines for National-Patriotic Education in Secondary Schools


Provisions for supervisors of the student group


Curators are assigned to each student group to provide ongoing guidance to the educational process (mentors). Encouraging students to actively counteract the manifestations of immorality, delinquency, spirituality, antisocial activity – a matter that requires serious preparation and painstaking work for all involved in education and upbringing. To realize this, new approaches, forms of organization of strengthening of educational work, revival of its role as the main direction of activity of the university, scientific and pedagogical workers of the university, student community should be defined. The revitalization of the educational process at the university requires the activation of both new forms of influence on the student, as well as the activation of the old most effective forms of the educational process, the development of new methods and style of education. The educational process should be carried out with the most active cooperation of the teacher-mentor and the student.


1.Curators of academic groups are appointed by order of the rector of the university (by the order of the dean) from the number of experienced teachers recommended by the heads of departments. The supervisor is assigned to an academic group, usually for the entire period of study at the university, which allows him to study each student in depth, to achieve consistency in the educational work at each course.

2.The work of a curator of an academic group is aimed at forming a sense of patriotism, instilling a love for the profession of a future specialist.

3.Educational work among students the supervisor carries out in accordance with the plan of teaching hours in the sponsored group, taking into account the plan of educational work of the department for the semester approved at the meeting of the department.

4.The plan of educational work the curator draws up taking into account the Comprehensive plan of educational work of the university, and also in accordance with the plan of educational work of the faculty.

5.the head of the department together with responsible employees of the dean’s office systematically supervises the work of curators, attends classes and other events, studies and introduces better experience.

6.At the meeting of the department the reports of the curators about the conducted events, about the effectiveness of educational work, about its influence on the level of educational and scientific work of students, their work discipline are heard.


1.Regularly, once a week to meet with a group, to carry out planned activities on the “training hours” on the plan of work (departmental, faculty, academic level).

2.Conduct educational work in the main areas (patriotic, moral, labor, artistic and aesthetic, physical, environmental, family and family education), to shape the student’s outlook as a harmoniously developed, highly educated, socially active and nationally-conscious person.

3.Encourage students to actively counteract the manifestations of immorality, delinquency, spirituality, anti-social activity.

4.To facilitate the formation of the student team, which fights for high success and excellent behavior, in this work the curator relies on the student asset of the group – the elder, members of the Student Councils.

5.Direct the work of the asset and each student so that the group is dominated by a creative atmosphere, friendship and mutual assistance that would contribute to the full development of the student’s abilities.

6.To be systematically interested in the life of the group, to be a senior friend and friend for each student, to know each student: his / her academic success, scientific work, character, inclination, plans for the future, financial position, but not to transform the work of the mentor into a fine tutelage and not to interfere with the students’ initiative.

7.Meet regularly with the group, group asset, at least once a week, to assist the group asset in the planned activities.

8.Systematically be interested in current performance, together with the group asset, critically discuss performance outcomes, identify training gaps, and help address them.

9.To identify students’ ability to research and to help organize it.

10.To regularly visit students who live in a dormitory, to be interested in living and living conditions of students who live in private apartments, to carry out educational work with them.

11.Systematically conduct individual work with students who need special attention.

12.To instill in students a sense of responsibility to work after graduating from the university in distribution.

13.Curator participates in the work of the scholarship committee and the commission on the distribution of young professionals to work.

Evaluation of the work of the university’s curators


In accordance with the acting at the University “Recommendations to curators on the organization of educational work in student groups”, “Regulations on the Board of Curators of Academic Groups of TSATU”, supervised and evaluated the work of teachers-curators, analyzed the state of the educational process at the university.

The results of the work of the faculty-curators of the academic groups are summarized twice a year by the faculties (within a week after the end of each semester) and once a year by the university (at the end of the academic year). All necessary documents of objective analysis of the work of the faculty-curators at the faculties are prepared by a commission under the direction of the deputy dean of the faculty of educational work. Nominations of the best curatorial teachers are offered by the departments.

At the end of the academic year, the order of the rector determines the best teachers-curators. The draft order is being prepared by the Board of Curatorial Teachers.


The main features of the teacher-curator should be commitment, principle, high culture, fairness to themselves and students, sensitivity to the requests and opinions of students, a high sense of civic responsibility for the education of future professionals. The curators’ demands should be combined with the attention, the ability to see and respect each student with his or her individual qualities.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the educational work of the teacher-curator is given on the basis of a cumulative analysis of academic and community indicators of the academic group, the performance of the curator of his duties, and also taking into account his activity in solving educational issues.

The report of the teacher-curator is monitored:

–        the quality of keeping a journal of the teacher-curator,

–  the content of the plan of educational work (differentiation of it taking into account the individual qualities of students, the variety of forms of work and activities, reflection of directions of the educational process, conformity of the measures to the realities of the present),

–        implementation of the plan of educational work (regularity of teaching hours, attendance of students, conformity of the conducted activities with the planned, discussion of issues of study and life of students of the group).

In addition, the evaluation of each teacher’s work is taken into account:

–        specific individual work with students, communication with parents, school (enterprise),

–        work in a hostel,

–        activities aimed at improving the learning process and discipline,

–        work on ensuring the implementation of the training schedule, improving the success and reducing the number of missed classes,

measures to increase student activity: participation in research, cultural hikes, excursions, amateur art, festive demonstrations, work on the improvement of the university premises, etc.).


For active work in an academic group, high group scores in academic and community work are encouraged by the university’s top curators:

–        gratitude,

–        coverage of positive media experience,

–        entry on the Board “Best by Profession”,

–        preferential university vacation card or tourist permit,

–        free trip with students of the group on the historical sites of Ukraine and CIS,

–        a memorable gift or a cash prize.

Curatorial teachers who misbehave their responsibilities are punished by administrative or public penalties. His work is proposed to be considered at a meeting of the department and on the recommendation of the department, by order of the dean the curator can be removed from work in a group. His business qualities and relevance to the position can be discussed at the Faculty Board and taken into account during re-election for the next term of work or re-contracting.