There is no person in Ukraine who would not know about Cossacks. There are many works, books and films about them. The Cossack race is also sung in our national anthem. So, the Cossack in Ukrainian culture is a noble warrior, an armed defender of the Fatherland, who defends the faith, dignity and customs of all our people.Therefore, the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks, which is celebrated annually on October 14, is a great Ukrainian holiday.

The science library has prepared a thematic exhibition for this event «Cossacks are the glory of Ukraine».

Ukrainian Cossacks – phenomenal phenomenon in world history, which has no analogues in other nations. In the past, Ukraine was called «Cossack land», «Cossack nation».

Celebration of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin coincides with the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks. From ancient times the Mother of God was considered the patron saint of all Ukrainian Cossacks. In Sich the Cossacks built a church in honor of the Virgin Mary with its icon. It was on this day that the Cossacks assembled the Grand Council, at which hetman was chosen and determined with further military plans. And today the Ukrainian Cossacks have not disappeared. There are many Cossack organizations, camps, detachments, only in the city of Melitopol were founded six Cossacks.

Numerous representatives of the current Cossack movement stand in defense of our land in the ATO zone. Indeed, the Cossack spirit comes to life! May he assist our soldiers in the fight for peace in Ukraine. Let the Protection of the Blessed Virgin protect them from hostile invasion.

Three years later, it was created in a scientific library «Cossack History Library». The Historical Library contains works by historians and publicists, unique documentary and artistic publications about the history of Ukraine, about the Cossack era, which is extremely rich in events and heroes.

So, I congratulate all the Cossacks on the holiday, and I wish good Cossack health, unwavering will to win and a patriotic spirit that will help overcome any obstacles!