The Academic Council is a collegial governing body of the Faculty, which is formed for a term of five years, the composition of which is approved by order of the Rector of the University upon the proposal of the Dean of the Faculty within five working days from the date of expiration of the previous composition of the Academic Council.

The Academic Council’s work plan for the academic year regulates its activities. The frequency of meetings of the Academic Council is monthly, except for the vacation period.

Decisions of the Academic Council of the Faculty are put into effect by order of the Dean of the Faculty. The decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty may be canceled by the Academic Council of the University.


  1. Resolving issues of organization of the educational process at the F
  2. Determining the general directions of the Faculty’s scientific activity.
  3. Election of assistants, lecturers, senior lecturers, and associate professors by secret ballot.
  4. Submitting proposals to the Faculty’s public self-government body for dismissal of the dean
  5. Adoption of educational programmes and curricula with their subsequent approval by the Academic Council of the University.
  6. Consideration and approval of annual and perspective plans of the Faculty and hearing and evaluation of the Dean’s report on their implementation.
  7. Consideration of issues related to the organization and implementation of research plans of the departments and individual teachers.
  8. Periodic review of reports on the educational work of the Faculty departments.
  9. Consideration of issues related to the creation and development of educational and production bases for the professional training of higher education applicants.
  10. Consideration of issues and submission of proposals to the Academic Council of the University on changes in the structure of the Faculty, creation, reorganization and liquidation of departments, submission of proposals on the structure of the Faculty and its scientific and educational units.
  11. Recommendation of research works for inclusion in the thematic plan of research work of the University.
  12. Recommending research projects for participation in competitions at various levels.
  13. Submission of proposals for candidates for admission to postgraduate and doctoral programs.
  14. Consideration of recommendations on candidates for scholarships, prizes, awards of various levels.
  15. Consideration of other issues that do not contradict the Statute of the University.
  16. The Academic Council of the Faculty considers other issues on the proposal of the Rector, the Academic Council of the Faculty, the conference of the University (Faculty) staff, student self-government bodies related to the activities of the University (Faculty), in accordance with the Statute of the University.
  17. Providing recommendations on the publication of educational and methodological literature.