“Fundamentals of Information Culture for first-year students”

The Scientific Library has started a series of classes on information culture of students. The first meeting was held with students of the 11th group of specialty Agroengineering.

For the freshmen, a library tour was conducted: its main departments, foundations were presented. Students were informed about the work mode, rules of use and services of the library.

The training program included working with an electronic catalog and an electronic library, as well as traditional card catalogs. Theoretical knowledge students have put into practice in the Library Electronic Resources Hall. The library specialists taught the first-year students how to search the necessary information in the traditional and electronic catalog, how to download the full texts of the educational literature from the electronic library of the scientific library.

Such classes are intended to help students to develop knowledge and skills of information support of educational and research activities.

Currently, information culture classes are ongoing, so we invite you to collaborate with curators of first-year student groups, because a high level of student information culture is the key to his successful learning.

Contact information culture classes:

tel. 44-03-31; research library, ІІ поверх, cab. № 20 and № 21