The Department of Machine Operation and Technical Service was founded on August 15, 2022

by merging the departments of Machine Use in Agriculture and Technical Service and Systems in the Agricultural Industry (on July 9, 2018, it was reorganized by merging the departments of Technical Service in the Agro-Industrial Complex and Technical Systems of Animal Husbandry Technologies).

The Department is one of the graduating departments in the specialty “Agroengineering” of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University. The department has 4 professors, 4 doctors of technical sciences, 6 associate professors, 4 senior lecturers, 2 assistants.

Since August 15, 2022, the department has been headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Skliar.

The Department of Technical Service in the Agro-Industrial Complex (until 2011, Machine Repair) was founded in March 1935 at the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Engineers.

The first head of the department was S.V. Yatchenko, an associate professor of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, who was seconded to Melitopol.

In the 1937-1938 academic year, A.V. Manuilov was appointed head of the department, and S.I. Bisnuvatyi. A self-supporting production base was organized at the department, headed by Ye.M. Holubchyn, and the head of the laboratories was M.F. Sheremetiev.

P.V. Tselikov started working as a lecturer at the department.

The graduates of the Institute S.B. Irlach-Mangubi and A.A. Aleynikov were involved in the educational work.

In the formidable years of the Second World War, many teachers and laboratory assistants of the Department went to the front – T.S. Novytskyi, S.B. Irlach-Manhubi, I.P. Udalov, A.A. Aleynikov, I.A. Aksamitnyi, N.F. Sheremetiev, S.M. Bezmenov, M.D. Krytchyn, M.M. Lerner, M. Leshko, P.V. Lytovchenko, T.S. Shyian.

A.V.Manuilov, P.V.Tselikov, H.A. Yatskova were evacuated to Turkmenistan together with the Institute.

M.Lerner, P.V.Lytovchenko, Ts.S.Novytskyi died defending their homeland.

After the liberation of Melitopol from the Nazi invaders and the re-evacuation of the Institute, the teachers and laboratory assistants resumed their duties. The department included graduates of the Institute: P.P. Karpusha, V.P. Nabok, S.M. Bortkevych, and later B.T. Kosenko, N.F. Bratkovskyi. The teaching and support staff included: I.A. Aksamitnyi, M.D. Krytchyn, S.M. Bezmenov, O. Popov, I.P. Sobol, Ye.M. Holubchin, M.A. Duda, I.M.Shyian, P.A.Aksamitnyi, M.Svyshch.

From 1950 to 1955, Associate Professor A.I. Kuratov worked at the Department.

In 1952, Associate Professor I.K. Minkov was appointed Head of the Department, and since 1956 – O.P. Smielov. At this time, Senior Lecturer I.S. Sieryi, Associate Professor Ye.V. Kiper, Acting Associate Professor A.M. Astrakhantsev began working at the Department.

In different years, the following were elected as heads of the Department: Associate Professor L.D.Khramtsov, Professor V.Yu.Cherkun, Associate Professor P.I.Haraiev, Associate Professor V.D.Karpenko, Associate Professor M.S.Bondar, Associate Professor A.O.Smielov

In 1958, the department opened a postgraduate course, which was graduated by V. Yu. Cherkun and defended his PhD thesis in 1963, I.H.Rezchyk (1965), L.D. Khramtsov (1970), V.V. Zabelin (1970), M.V. Nahornyi (1971). ), Yu.P. Hlebov (1971), V.F.Chekh (1971), Ye.A.Seraia (1971), V.A. Didur (1972), E.I. Dudkin (1972), P. I Haraiev (1973), V.M. Belov (1974), Yu.M. Popov (1981), V.D. Karpenko (1982), P.V. Pedchenko (1983), M.S. Bondar (1983).

In 1965, the department moved to a newly built building (today, building No.7). In the same year, the Department of Interchangeability Fundamentals (later “Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurements”) was spun off from the Department as an independent unit, headed by I.S. Sieryi.

In 1970, the Department of Labor Protection was spun off from the Department. The head of this department was Associate Professor B.P. Topchyi.

In 2000, the Department of Machine Repair was merged with the Department of Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurements, and the teachers became part of the merged department (Professor I.S.Sieryi, Associate Professor L.H.Prytula, Associate Professor S.Hryvtsov, Assistant A.P.Kholod).

On September 26, 2015, in connection with the merger of the Departments of Electrified Technologies in the Agroindustrial Complex and Hydraulics and Heat Engineering, the disciplines “Hydraulics” and “Hydraulic Drive” were transferred to the Department of Technical Service in the Agroindustrial Complex. The following lecturers were also transferred: Associate Professor D.P. Zhuravel, Assistant Professor K.H. Petrenko. In June 2018, D.P. Zhuravel defended his doctoral dissertation.

On September 26, 2015, in connection with the merger of the Departments of Electrified Technologies in the Agroindustrial Complex and Hydraulics and Heat Engineering, the disciplines “Hydraulics” and “Hydraulic Drive” were transferred to the Department of Technical Service in the Agroindustrial Complex. The following lecturers were also transferred: Associate Professor D.P. Zhuravel, Assistant Professor K.H. Petrenko. In June 2018, D.P. Zhuravel defended his doctoral dissertation.

On July 9, 2018, the Department of Technical Service in the Agro-Industrial Complex was reorganized into the Department of Technical Service and Systems in the Agro-Industrial Complex by merging with the Department of Technical Systems of Animal Production Technologies.

The Department of Machine Use in Agriculture (until … year of operation of the machine and tractor fleet) was founded in 1937.

During the War, the department, along with the entire institute, was evacuated to Ashgabat, where it continued its work. It graduated 128 mechanical engineers.

On December 18, 1943, the management and some of the staff of the institute returned from evacuation and began to resume the educational process in the destroyed building of the institute. The preparatory department and ten departments began to work.

Starting in the 1948-1949 academic year, the staff of the department underwent significant changes. Associate Professor Oleksandr Zelman was hired as the head of the department on a competitive basis. The 1949-1950 academic year was characterized by a significant expansion of the area for classrooms and replenishment of the material base. Almost from that time on, the department began to transform into a graduate department with the intensification of the development of departmental science.

The Department continuously improved the educational process. Methodical manuals were developed and published, new workplaces for laboratory and practical work were created, and student circles were developed.

In the following years, in 1957-1958, fourth-year students also had an operational practice on virgin lands.

The accumulation of pedagogical experience by young teachers of the department and systematic deep study of science led to the need to work on dissertations. The intensification of work on PhD dissertations by all teachers allowed them to successfully defend them. By the end of 1972, the department had 12 PhDs (out of 14 teachers). Soon, those who defended their dissertations became associate professors. The staff of the Department performed a great deal of educational, propaganda, and social work.

The Department won the socialist competition seven times. Almost all of the teachers were repeatedly awarded the «Winner in the Socialist Competition Badge».

For many years, the staff of the department successfully conducted educational work on the course under their supervision. For excellent performance, supervised groups were rewarded with trips to the Crimea, to Moscow, etc.

One of the important activities in organizing the internship at the Department was the development of the idea of harvesting and transport convoys. In them, students, working as harvesters and assistant harvesters, not only harvested crops in Zaporizhzhia region, but also formed themselves as specialists and future managers.

The state highly appreciated the work of the field convoys, which have been successfully operating in Zaporizhzhia region for 10 years. So many students – combine operators, as well as teachers of the Department – were awarded government awards and diplomas.

In 1980, for the first time at the Institute, the Department held Engineering Games, which became the basis for the further introduction of active forms of learning into the Educational Process at the Institute.

Since 1958, the Department has been involved in the work on the union problem of increasing the working speeds of machine and tractor units.

In 1961-1962, the Department developed and manufactured a mobile strain gauge laboratory.

In 1964, a second mobile strain gauge laboratory was modernized. They made it possible to study the operation of mobile machine units and individual machine components at a high level for many years. In total, the Institute conducted more than 40 studies, which were an important part of the candidate and doctoral dissertations of employees of MIAM and other Universities in the country.

In the development of the Department, in the creation and expansion of the material and technical base, in the development of experimental designs, in conducting various tests, as well as in improving the level of laboratory and laboratory field classes, laboratory assistants of different generations have made a great contribution over the years.

Since 1977, the development of wide-gripping units of a new design based on a special experimental frame-hitch FH-18, which was patented, has been started. These units were brought to a working condition and in 1978-1985 were introduced in the farms of Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, Ulyanovsk, and Rostov regions in the amount of about 40 units.

In 1995, work began on the development of an environmentally friendly energy-saving technology for cultivating row crops with the development of a combined unit for these purposes. Laboratory and field tests in 1996 showed its high efficiency in conditions of lack of moisture in the sowing soil layer.

From 1992 to 1995, the topic “Developing and implementing methods and means to increase the efficiency of mechanized work in crop production by modeling technological processes in relation to units for applying fertilizer before sowing” was carried out. The project involved the development of technical documentation for a device for operational quality control of seed and fertilizer dosing. The device increased the productivity of the unit by 12% and reduced labor costs by 14%.

At the initiative of the Department, the following topic was implemented: “Development of a centralized seed supply system for the sowing devices of a row crop seeder”. The materials of scientific works are used in the educational process, lecturing, diploma and course design.

Since August 15, 2022, the Department of Machine Use in the Agro-Industrial Complex has been reorganized into the Department of Machine Operation and Maintenance by merging with the Department of Technical Service and Systems in the Agro-Industrial Complex.

The Department of Technical Systems of Livestock Technology (until 2012, Livestock Mechanization) was established in September 1961.

The Department consisted of Associate Professor I.A.Boronenko, Senior Lecturers O.P. Shutkin and L.I. Pidtepa, Laboratory Assistants V.I. Mishchenko, M.P. Chkan, Engineer L.M. Ovdin, who graduated from the institute in 1961, was hired as an Assistant. I.A. Boronenko was elected the head of the department.

In 1961-1962, Senior Lecturers O.P. Shutkin and L.I. Pidtopa worked as teachers. In 1963-1965, Assistants M.A. Vlasov and A.O. Lebid, graduate student V.F. Hubarev, mechanical engineer V.F. Soloviov came to work at the Department. In 1966, 8 teachers worked at the Department.

After the completion of the construction of the new educational building No. 7, the Department was allocated 8 classrooms for laboratories and one for teachers.

In 1970, the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization opened the Specialization “Mechanization of Livestock Farms”.

In 1968-1970, Associate Professors M.I. Statnykh and V.I. Khlabuzar worked at the Department, and M.A. Vlasov defended his Candidate’s dissertation.

In 1973, M.V. Brahinets was elected Head of the Department. In the same year, Assistants I.A.Shcherbina, I.K.Vasylchuk and Graduate Student D.A. Butko came to work.

In 1967-1975, 8 laboratories and 40 workplaces were created and equipped with modern equipment.

During 1975-1980, S.A. Rohachevskyi came to work as an Assistant, V.D. Rogovyi, a Senior Lecturer, and during 1980-1985, F.Y. Yalpachyk, a Senior Lecturer, V.M. Tsybulnikov, V.S. Panin and A.H. Hiriavtsev, Assistants.

Since 1980, Mechanical Engineer O.P. Potapov worked as the Head of the Laboratories.

In November 1983, Associate Professor V.D. Rohovyi was elected Head of the Department.

In 1991, Associate Professor A.O. Lebid defended his Doctoral Dissertation, and the Head of the Department, V.D.Rohov, was awarded the academic title of Professor.

From 1987 to 1992, L.P. Borian, H.V. Yefremova, and senior lecturer E.M. Kovtun came to work at the Department first as Laboratory Assistants and then as Assistants, and after Graduate School, V.D. Butko and S.V. Dereza. In 1995, Candidate of Technical Sciences O.H. Skliar began working at the Department as a Senior Lecturer, who later received the title of Associate Professor.

In 1996, A.M. Brahinets defended his Candidate’s Dissertation. In September 1998, Associate Professor O.H. Skliar was appointed to the position of Head of the Department. The Department actively conducts scientific work.

From 1999 to 2003, B.V. Boltianskyi and R.V. Skliar came to work as Assistants at the Department. In June 2000, B.V. Boltianskyi defended his Candidate’s Dissertation.

In 2003, Associate Professor O. H. Skliar was elected Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, and Associate Professor S. M. Kolomiiets was elected Head of the Department. In January 2004, R. V. Skliar defended her Сandidate’s Dissertation. During 2004-2008, the Department was joined by Assistants – A. M.Pobihun, N. I.Boltianska, who later also defended their Candidate’s Dissertation.

In 1999, a Laboratory for Feed Processing and Preparation was created and equipped with modern equipment, and S. Hryhorenko was appointed Head of the Laboratory.

From 2003 to 2015, the Department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Kolomiiets, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.V. Shatskyi, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor R.V.Skliar.

Since October 2015, the Head of the Department was PhD, Associate Professor B.V. Boltianskyi, and since July 2017, after defending his doctoral dissertation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor D.O. Milko.

Since July 9, 2018, the Department of Technical Systems of Animal Production Technologies has been reorganized into the Department of Technical Service and Systems in the Agro-Industrial Complex. By merging with the Department of Technical Service in the Agro-Industrial Complex.

The Department of Machine Operation and Technical Service was founded on August 15, 2022, by merging the Departments of Machine Use in Agriculture and Technical Service and Systems in the Agro-Industrial Complex, which are among the oldest special Departments of the University. During this time, the teachers have trained thousands of highly qualified specialists for Agricultural Production.

The Department of Machine Operation and Technical Service is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Skliar.