Today, Melitopol is a combination of advantageous geographical location, scientific and labor resources, and well-developed industry.

Melitopol is an intersection of different nations and cultures. Its population is 158 thousand inhabitants, representing about 100 nationalities, ethnic groups of denominations, living in harmony and consensus.

There are over 20 national-cultural communities in the city, united into a public organization called “Melitopol Council of National Societies”.

Melitopol became the first city to represent Ukraine in the Council of Europe on The Intercultural Cities programme. Another important demographic feature is that Melitopol is the city of youth and students. The total city population comprises 25.6% of children and 17.1% of students.

106 representatives of national minorities study at TSATU: Bulgarians, Azerbaijanis, Russians, Gagauzes, Poles, Greeks, Crimean Tatars, Turks, Czechs, Germans and even citizens of the African state of Papua New Guinea.

Since 2015 the “Dialogue of Cultures” Festival has been launched at the University.

Another festival, a holiday-fest “Intercultural University”, which is celebrated in many countries of the world, was held in 2018 on the occasion of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.