Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University is a modern European higher education institution, a center of education, science and culture of the South of Ukraine. The university government pays special attention to the development of scientific work. In order, scientific activities are also the main indicator to be taken into account in the state financing of each Higher Education Institution.

The range of TSATU scientific research is quite wide. The main priority directions of scientific activity of TSATU named after Dmytro Motornyi are defined in the conceptual and strategic program of the University “Science in TSATU”, the main points of which are aimed at the development and introduction of technologies of growing, picking up, processing and long-term storage of agricultural products; solving the problems of machine use in agriculture and technical service in the agro-industrial complex of the country; computer modeling of production and socio-economic processes; energy saving and improvement of electric technologies and electrical engineering; entrepreneurship development, marketing and management, financial and crediting and accounting and analytical provision of enterprises activity.

Scientists at TDATU pay much attention to the choice of research problems that are actual not only in Ukraine but all over the world. After all,

The involvement of the international academic community is an important task for each of the sciences. One of the main indicators of recognition of the scientist is the publication of his research results in the Scopus science base.

In October 2018, the Dmitry Motorny Tavrichesky State Agricultural Technological University held an international scientific-practical conference “Modern development paths of agricultural production: trends and innovations” with the participants from 12 world countries.

All publications were published in the European publication Springer. You can download the book by clicking on the link.

Materials were reviewed by Scopus for about 1.5 years. Scientific materials have received positive reviews and have been included in this science base, it is evidence of the high international potential of research and teaching staff of the Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University.

Юрій Прус, начальник науково-дослідної частини 
Людмила Єфіменко, начальниця відділу міжнародних зв’язків